GET to know harbor
a vision for the world, and a home for your family
A message from our pastor
Our Vision
Harbor Baptist Church is a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church. Our congregation has a real desire to lift up Jesus Christ, so that others may come to Him. We seek to evangelize the lost, both in our community and world –wide, encourage the saints and exalt the Savior.
Our Values
Worship is the hallmark of the church. It is how we express our love and devotion to God. At Harbor, we seek to usher in the presence of God in our services with a balanced, lively worship experience emphasizing God’s glory and holiness. The Word of God is preached plainly and boldly every service.
Friends are the family that you choose. Harbor is a family of friends that reaches out to all people. If you don’t have a true friend, you have one at Harbor. We want you to experience the fullness of life shared with real friends.
God has given all believers a special gifting and call to serve Him. At Harbor, we strive to help our people find that gift and merge into an area of service for God’s Kingdom. There is a place for you to serve the Lord at Harbor.
None of us are perfect. At Harbor, we all seek to grow together into who God wants us to be. It doesn’t matter who you are; you fit in alongside us as we all help each other grow.
Touching lives, reaching souls, and helping those in need is at the center of the Great Commission to the church.
Our Leadership
Ken Simmons
assistant pastorWhat We Believe
Location Information
Service Times
Sunday School | 9:45 AM
Sunday Morning Service | 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Service | 6:00 PM
Wednesday Bible Study | 7:00 PM
Harbor Baptist Church
5801 Old Concord Road
Charlotte, NC 28213
El Horario de Los Servicios
La Escuela Dominical: Domingo | 9:45 AM
El Servicio de la Predicacion: Domingo | 11:00 AM
El Servicio de la Predicacion: Domingo | 6:00 PM
La Clase de Discipulado: Miercoles | 7:00 PM
*Todos los servicios combinados, excepto las clases de los Domingos.