It has been quite some time since we have been able to meet corporately as a church. We have patiently submitted to those in authority over us to protect us from the COVID-19 virus. Now that our Governor has progressed the state to Phase 2, we will meet again corporately starting May 31st while at the same time continuing to live stream our services for those choosing to shelter in. With that being said, I have a written plan for us to meet safely together in obedience to Christ.
Your Friend, Pastor Ken Simmons
Because of the dangers related to COVID-19, I am asking all members age 65 and older and members who have underlying health conditions including suppressed immune systems to please stay at home and continue worshipping livestream during this phase of our return.
Everyone age 5 to adult is to come to church with a mask. You will not be permitted to enter the auditorium without one. If you forget your mask, our ushers will have one available.
Ushers will wear masks.
Attendees and ushers will always maintain a 6-foot social distance .
Auditorium doors will be propped open to avoid touching door handles.
Ushers will seat attenders before and during service. Families will sit together. There will be 3-4 empty seats between families. Distancing will be kept in all directions, front, back, left, and right.
Wear a mask
Wash your hands before and after service
Stay 6 feet from others
Visit hand sanitizer station
Be willing to have your temperature taken
Shake hands
Hug others
Come to church if you are sick
Touch your face or nose or mouth
Leave trash in the main Auditorium
At the end of services, ushers will dismiss attendees in a controlled manner, maintaining social distancing. There will be no gathering at the doors.
Offering plates will not be passed during services. Boxes monitored by ushers will be available on the two tables located in the back of the auditorium. Online giving is encouraged.
We will not be distributing paper bulletins. No coffee or food will be served in the auditorium.
Invitation/ Altar Call
At the end of the preaching service, attendees will be encouraged to make decisions in their seats.
Believer’s Baptism and Lord’s Supper Observances will be suspended.
Children will meet in the Teen Room for Sunday School and 11 am services.
The forehead of all children entering the teen room and the nurseries will be scanned for temperature readings with contactless thermometers.
If young children have a fever, you will be asked to take them home and watch the services online.
If your child has had a fever in the last 24 hours, please keep them at home for the well being of workers and other children.
If it is determined during the service that your child is sick, you will be called immediately, and the child will be removed to a designated pick up area.
Snacks will not be provided by the ministry for the children.
All workers will always wear masks and gloves .Chairs will be configured for six-foot distancing.
Following dismissal of Morning Worship service, parents must pick up their children in the foyer of the office building where the Teen Room is located.
We have always held a high regard for keeping the auditorium clean, however due to COVID-19, there are extra measures taken for the protection of all.
Restrooms will be sanitized before and after service.
Drinking fountains will be turned off.
Sanitizers will be available.
Light fixtures are sanitized before and after services.
There will be no access to the Kitchen whatsoever.
Chairs will be sanitized before and after services.
After service, trash will be removed, and left-over personal items will be removed from the auditorium.
You may find your personal items in lost and found.
Tile and carpets will be sanitized weekly.
Workers will wear masks and gloves while cleaning.
Gloves worn while cleaning the bathroom will be disposed of and replaced with fresh gloves put on before cleaning other areas.
All toys will be cleaned with Lysol wipes after each service.
Nursery will be disinfected after each service
Children’s temperatures will be checked before admittance to the nursery,
As of May 31, we will have reduced services until further notice.
9:35 am: Sunday School
11 am: Morning Worship (Livestream also available)
7 pm: Wednesday Bible Study (Livestream also available)