Currently Meets Tuesdays at 7pm in COED 168
On-Campus Bible Study – a ministry of Harbor Baptist Church
If you are a college student who misses the fellowship of believers from back home, or just the warmth of a home-cooked meal, this is the place for you!
- Free food
- Warm, welcoming, relaxed environment
- Bible study, discussion forums, activities, games, worship, prayer
- Learn how to articulate and share your faith while growing deeper in your walk with God.
- Opportunity to connect with a strong local church during your college experience.
- Our Mission:
Reach– Students are reached by students in order to grow the organization. This is done through the weekly Bible study, fall and spring kick-off events, contact tables, activities, service projects, building relationships, and sharing meals or coffee together.
Teach– This is done through the weekly on-campus Bible study meeting, small groups, and one-on-one Bible studies. The Bible is the book used to educate students about faith, character, life skills, morals, and ethics. This teaching gives students a foundation to build upon in their academic pursuits. Questions are encouraged and answered from the Bible. We want students to know what they believe, why they believe it, and where to find it in the Bible.
Connect– The meetings and events of the organization promotes opportunities for students to connect with other students to build strong friendships and relationships that can last well beyond their years at college. Students that desire to connect with a local church in the area while in college are assisted in finding one. CFC connects students with opportunities to serve in various projects, events, and outreaches on campus and in the community.
Impact– This is where students apply what they are learning and take the initiative to become leaders to impact their campus, local community, and our world. CFC provides avenues for leadership opportunities to make a positive impact in our world.
Meeting Location – Every Tuesday at 7 pm in COED 168
For more info, please contact the CFC Campus Minister, Steven Robinson at (571) 363-9991 or email